Sunday 27 January 2013

My current work, snow, January 2013

In the watercolours course which I am teaching we are painting snow scenes, inspired by the current British weather - we get very little snow where I live in Spain and visually we miss it!        ( though not the difficulty of travelling in it. Our sympathy is with you. ) 

We have painted snow scenes loosely and more accurately. In my work I do strive for looseness but with my Graphics and Fine Art training I tend to want to draw accurately. To blend both is not easy, which is why my painting heroes are the ones who acheived this so very well: Edgar Degas, Claude Monet, Berthe Morisot, Joaquin Sorolla and John Singer Sergeant.

Top Art Tip 4 - keep drawing and painting! You'll keep improving with practice...

Recent snow scenes: 

Red deer taking shelter in a snowstorm

The red deer herd in a snowstorm

Red deer stag in Highland sunshine

Dawn, Chamonix

Snowy silver birches

Snowy walk at sunset

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