Sketching lesson 3- Getting things in proportion!

Top Art Tip 3 -     Check sizes and proportions by holding your pencil out at arm's length, closing one eye and lining up the top of your pencil with the top of a medium-sized object in the still life, landscape, figure or whatever. Keep your pencil lined up with this and then-

move your thumb to line up with the bottom of that object. KEEPING YOUR THUMB IN PLACE, turn your hand around to use that measurement against other parts of the thing you are drawing. You may discover that the bottle is three times its width, or the head goes into the body 6 times , that sort of thing.

Use this knowledge - but not those same exact sizes marked  by your thumb on your pencil - to get your actual drawing in proportion.

E.g. this vase is 4 apples high, and 1 apple wide. 

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