Saturday 23 February 2013

Sketching lesson 6 - Patterns of shading

Top Art Tip - Different shapes have different patterns of shading, which reveal their form. 

1) Round forms show gradual shading from light to dark, 

and reflected light at the far side of the object, furthest away from the light source - this is vital for giving the impression of roundness. e.g in round fruit and vegetables, heads...

2) Cylindrical forms similarly show gradual shading and reflected light, giving the impression of roundness. e.g in arms, legs, branches, tree trunks...

3) Conical forms similarly show gradual shading and reflected light,  giving the impression of roundness, e.g in conifers, skirts, lampshades, an animal's body, anything conical...

4) Square forms show sudden, sharp division between light and dark, and there will be some reflected light in the side furthest away from the light source. Examples - buildings, boxes, books...

5) Note the shape of the shadow cast by the object in each case - it will be a distorted version of the shape of the object itself, and will point directly away from the light source.

Saturday 16 February 2013

Sketching lesson 5 - Texture, movement, sketchiness

Top Art tip - your shading can also show texture.

So in the above drawings you can see marks which give the impression of foliage, stonework, and a shiny metal cylinder.

Top Art tip - Your shading doesn't always have to be neat and smooth -
 You can leave looser marks to give the impression of speed and movement,                          as in this horse,

or sketchiness, as in this tree, fence and grass in shadow: